Silva Pocket Compass

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This Pocket Compass, with its thermometer and cardinal directions, is the perfect guide to direction and conditions on your adventures or to use as a backup to a more advanced compass. Its small size and carabiner lets you attach it to your belt, jacket, pack or bag or put it in your pocket so you can keep it with you always.


  • Liquid filled capsule for a quick-settling needle
  • Jewelled needle bearing for accuracy
  • Both degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius scales on the thermometer
  • Carabiner attaches to your pack, bag or jacket — it's always on hand


Dimensions 5.7 x 4.7 x 0.9cm
Average Weight 16g

The Silva 1-2-3 System

The easiest way to set a course towards the lake is with a simple and safe system used by expeditions, youth organisations, mountain guides, armies, orienteers and other navigators the world over: the Silva 1-2-3 System®

  1. Place the compass on the map with the edge of the compass along the desired line of travel. Make sure Direction of Travel arrow points towards your destination.
  2. Rotate the compass housing until N on the dial points North on the map. Check that the compass housing red/black North/South lines are parallel with the map’s meridians.
  3. Hold the compass in hand and turn your body until the red end of the compass needle (North) coincides with the red arrow in the bottom of the compass housing. The front of the compass with the direction of travel arrow is now pointing towards your destination.

NOTE: If using a mirror-sighting compass: angle the mirror/lid approximately 45 degrees towards yourself and hold with straight arm out in front of you. Now, while looking in the mirror to see that the needle aligns with the red/black N/S arrow, sight above the mirror (using the sight) towards an object in the field in line with the direction of travel.

Magnetic declination and how to compensate for it.

The difference, between Geographic North (North/South map meridians) and Magnetic North (where the North end of the compass needle points), is called declination. The amount and direction of declination is shown on the map. For example, 20 degrees. For Easterly declination, adjust as follows: With the declination scale inside the capsule (Field, Ranger, etc.) turn yourself until the North end of the compass needle points to 20 degrees on the ”E. decl.” scale. Now, the direction of travel arrow is pointing in the correct direction. With compasses that have a declination adjustment, simply use the screwdriver in the lanyard safety release to make the adjustment. Pull the safety release apart and use the screwdriver to turn the screw on the bezel until the bottom side of the North Arrow meets the 20 degrees Eastern declination scale. Remember to use the North/South lines at the bottom of the bezel and NOT the North Arrow as map North reference lines when taking the bearing on the map.


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